Thursday, August 9, 2012

Musings on Keeping Promises

When I was a child,
I asked a grown-up why adults
don't like watching cartoons.

"It's just not as entertaining for us anymore."
She replied.

And from that moment on,
I swore to myself that,
no matter how old I'd get,
I would still watch cartoons.

When I was a child,
I loved eating hard-boiled eggs and noticed
that my tutor didn't like eating them.
So I asked her why.

"I used to like eggs when I was younger,
but I don't like them as much anymore."
She replied.

And from that moment on,
I swore to myself that,
now matter how old I'd get,
I would still like eating hard-boiled eggs.

When I was a child,
I read a poem and noticed
that the writer had spelled the word 'through'
as T-H-R-U.
So I asked my mom why.

"It's poetic license."
My mom replied.

Now, I didn't exactly know
what a poetic license was,
but from that moment on,
I swore to myself that,
no matter what,
I would get a poetic license.
I didn't even care so much if
I'd ever get a driver's license or not,
as long as I'd get a poetic one.

When I was a child,
my dad told me,
"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend
until you're in college."

So from that moment on,
I swore to myself that,
no matter what,
I would wait for the right guy to come along
so I could fall in love with him
and have a love story
as good as my mom and dad's.

If little me were standing
in front of grown-up me right now,
I'd like to think that she'd be pleased
with how I've managed
to keep all those promises
after all these years.

Because I still love watching cartoons
and eating hard-boiled eggs.
And, yes, I do have poetic license.
And I'm still waiting for the right guy to come along
so I could fall in love with him
and have a love story
as good as my mom and dad's.

-Nocturnal Scribe

This blog is protected by the Philippine Copyright Law, Republic Act 8293.
None of the posts in this blog may be reproduced or copied—either completely or partially—in any forms or by any means without permission in writing to the Author.

© Nocturnal Scribe, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Musings on Teen Pregnancy

They say it's to be expected, that it's the norm.
But I urge you, friends: do not conform.
Let us preserve our self-respect
And keep our integrity intact.

Where is the joy in the diploma you hold
when a fetus is growing inside of your womb?
Where is the pride in marching on stage
when you have a child to support with your minimum wage?
Where is the honor in graduating with honors
when you have a husband that has you encumbered?
Where is the success in all you've achieved
when your tears are wasted on regrets that you grieve?

There are consequences to the choices you make,
so I urge you, friends: be willing to wait.

-Nocturnal Scribe

This blog is protected by the Philippine Copyright Law, Republic Act 8293.
None of the posts in this blog may be reproduced or copied—either completely or partially—in any forms or by any means without permission in writing to the Author.

© Nocturnal Scribe, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Musings on a Friend

We have far too many inside jokes
than I can bother to count. To a
passerby's ears, we communicate
in fluent Klingon, spoken with a
heavy Maritess accent. Yoh noh
na. Dat ting, tu fas, lah. Gitopmi.
This may be the closest I've ever
been to someoneand it's probably
because I am sitting next to you.
They say we have our own world.  If we
really did, then it would be filled with
secondhand paperbacks and tolkons,
and the only discomfort one would
feel is a laughter-induced headache.

-Nocturnal Scribe

This blog is protected by the Philippine Copyright Law, Republic Act 8293.
None of the posts in this blog may be reproduced or copied—either completely or partially—in any forms or by any means without permission in writing to the Author.

© Nocturnal Scribe, 2012