Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Musings on Garbage

You must think you’re so witty
with the way you pepper swear words
generously into your colloquies; or
with the way you give out sarcastic repartees
in response to offensive jokes
and expect us to laugh and choke                                                     
on our iced teas. 
“F this piece of S and F that F-ing B.”
“OMG! Ha-ha. You’re such an F-ing D-head.”
Don’t mistake my silence for admiration.
Do you have nothing else in your vocabulary?

You must think you’re so funny
with the way you flip the bird
at people randomly
and claim it’s just half a peace sign; or
with the way you gesture inappropriately
at people you call your friends.
You say it’s natural to call them by
degrading names, and say that if they
get insulted, then they’re not your ‘real friends’.
If that’s what friendship is to you,
how many of them did you rend?

You must think you’re so cool
with the way you blatantly talk about porn at the table
and assume you’re doing everyone a favor
by sharing your favorite sites; or
with the way you unflinchingly tell
us about things you did with a friend at a hotel
that just make the rest of us feel uncomfortable.
You must have noticed me looking pensive,
because you started getting all defensive.
“What? I’m just being honest here.”
No one asked you to be.

The whole time, I kept silent as I listened
to you stoop to your lowest possible level.
My ears burned with words I tried to not comprehend
and kept my eyes glued to the gravel.
”What you say flows from what is in your heart.”
It says in Luke chapter six, verse forty-five.
You may call me ignorant and naïve,
but within those fifteen minutes of listening
I was certain I could determine
the exact contents of your heart, and
trust me when I say not once did you sound smart.

You must think you’re so great
with the way you just behaved
in those fifteen minutes since we first met
that you’re probably willing to bet
that I’m just dying to be your friend.
But I’d like to give you a reality check
And show you that you’re just up to your neck
in an attitude problem that needs to end.
And until you realize this, I will be praying for you.
I will be praying for you.
I will be praying for you.

-Nocturnal Scribe

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© Nocturnal Scribe, 2012